Tent Cleaning Ontario| Affair Tent & Event Rentals
Searching for Tent Cleaning Services in the GTA or elsewhere in Ontario? Look no further. Contact us today for a Quote 800-876-4157.
Note: This is a service for tent rental companies and/or other companies, municipalities or individuals who own their own tent(s), etc. that are in need of cleaning and/or repair.
Most tent companies in the industry wash their tents by hand, spreading the tops out on the floor/ground to wipe them with mops or spot clean them with rags. This is inefficient and ineffective.
We fully understand the importance of providing clients with top quality, professional grade equipment and are happy to offer our experienced services to other tent rental companies and tent owners to ensure that your inventory of tents are looking their best throughout their lifespan. A clean industry is a good thing for clients everywhere.
Our Tents are Clean, Beautiful and White – Are Yours?
Featuring one of the largest tent cleaning and maintenance facilities in Canada, we are pleased to offer tent washing and repair services to a wide range of clients – including our industry partners.
Here at Affair Tent & Event Rentals, we regularly machine-wash and repair our own extensive tent inventory to ensure our tents are crisp, white and in top condition all year long.
Our largest machine (we have several) can hold up to 750lbs of material in a single load!
All material is hung in dedicated drying areas until, webbing, straps, etc. are completely dry (fan assisted). Material is then inspected utilizing custom lighted flooring system for micro-tears, rips, etc.
- Amazing results - Make an old tent look new again!
- Extend the life of your tent - washing a tent is like brushing your teeth, doing it regularly is key to ensuring that they stay their whitest!
- Regular Maintenance/Repairs = Safety – Don’t wait for small rips and tears in tops or straps to turn into bigger problems in bad weather! Have them repaired regularly.
- Superior to hand/manual cleaning, all components – straps, lace lines, webbing, keder strips, etc. are thoroughly washed at the same time
- Digitally controlled wash cycle formulations, customized to ensure your fabric is gently treated, not damaged by harsh chemicals intended for other uses
Let Us Do Your Dirty Work! Items we wash and repair include:
- Tent tops (all types – clear span panels, pole tent, frame tent, etc.)
- Tent walls (all types – keder, non-keder, plastic or metal clips, velcro, etc.)
- Awnings (vinyl only)
- Drop sheets (vinyl only)
- Vinyl concrete and barrel covers
- Inflatables (Bouncing Castles, etc.)
- Full-service Commercial Laundry (contact us for details)
Tent Washing Cost:
Wash & Dry - Standard West Coast Style Frame Tents - $0.45 per square foot
Wash & Dry - High Peaked Frame Tents and Pole Tents - $0.50 per square foot
Wash Only* - Savings of $0.05 per square foot vs Wash & Dry (see above)
*Ideal for clients who will be picking up and installing their tent immediately after washing – quick turnaround time
Repair Costs:
- $80/hour, quoted as required following detailed inspection of material
Affair Tent & Event Rentals – “The Best Events Start Here.”